Are you ready to buy your first handgun but not sure how? Too often, first-time gun owners buy handguns that are too big or too small for them. They see an ad from a big box store, and the next thing they know, they have bought a handgun. After they get it home, they have no idea how or where to use it. Still trying to figure out what to do next, they hide it forever in the back of the closet. Other times they chose a handgun based on a recommendation from a friend. Unfortunately, many times it doesn’t fit their hand correctly when they reach the gun range. Big box stores are not concerned with what you want to do with a handgun or if it fits. To help you avoid these pitfalls, let’s look at a few things you should know before you buy your first handgun.

Why do you own a handgun?
Start the search for your first gun with a local gun shop that will take the time to get to know your needs and goals. They will begin by asking you questions to determine your experience level and why you are purchasing a handgun. Let’s look at a few questions you should consider before you buy.
What do you plan to do with your handgun?
More times than not, first-time handgun owners start with a firearm for personal defense. As they get familiar with it and practice becomes fun, they may also want an additional handgun to shoot targets. Often, they graduate to competition-type handguns. A pistol used for concealed carry and one used for competitive shooting can be very different. Let’s look at a few differences.
Self-Defense for the First-Time Gun Buyer
Self-defense is one of the main reasons people purchase a handgun. If you conceal carry your self-defense handgun, you will want something that doesn’t print. Or, in other words, one that others can’t tell you have under your shirt. A concealed carry handgun should also be one you can remove from a concealed location easily. It is best if you have something small enough to keep hidden, but large enough to shoot accurately. Your local gun shop will have several to choose from and can help answer any questions.
Target Shooting for the First-Time Gun Buyer
Target shooters use heavier and larger pistols than those used for concealed carry. Many target pistols have sights especially built for target shooting. Since they spend a lot of time at the range, target shooters typically choose a caliber that is economical to shoot. Target shooters also prefer a caliber that has little recoil. If you decide to enter any of the various pistol competitions, you may need a competition-style holster that you can remove a pistol from quickly and easily. Any handgun can be used for self-defense, but your local gun shop can help you choose one that best suits your needs.

How do I Know If a Gun Fits Me?
Finding a gun that feels good in your hand will make or break your experience. Let’s go through a few different scenarios of finding the right fit.
Finding the Best Gun for Women
Many manufacturers will take a gun and “pink it and shrink it,” and the big box stores sell a lot of them. Just because it’s pink and small doesn’t mean it will fit a woman correctly. The gun may be cute, but it doesn’t mean it will fit your hand, or you can shoot it accurately. There should be a balance between fit, ease of handling and shooting accuracy. There are undoubtedly pink handguns that are a good fit, but don’t assume they fit all women just because they are small and pink.
Your local gun shop will have several options to choose from and can help find the right fit (pink or not!) and answer any questions.
Proper Grip and Stance
Your local gun shop can help you with a proper stance and grip. Even if you have a handgun that fits, if your stance and grip are not correct, you will have difficulty shooting accurately. The gun shop can work with you to find a gun that will allow you to get in a proper stance, find the proper grip, and quickly be on target. It will seem like a lot to remember, but with a little practice, it becomes second nature.
Holsters for a First-Time Gun Buyer
After you have learned a proper stance and grip and can easily acquire your target, take a few minutes to find a holster that fits. Preferably one that you will regularly use. The gun shop can give tips on how to wear and carry your handgun. You should also ensure you can draw your weapon, go to your stance with a good grip and find your target. Be sure you can replace the weapon easily in the holster. Keep in mind not every holster fits every handgun. The gun shop can help you find the right holster.

What's next?
Now that you have a handgun that fits you, what do you need to do next? All handgun owners should know how to handle a gun safely. You should know and demand those around you follow the 10 Rules of Safe Gun Handling. Have a plan to keep your handgun secure when you’re not using it. When you go to the range, range officers ensure everyone is safely handling their guns. Make sure you are familiar with the rules and if you have questions, ask someone to clarify anything that doesn’t make sense. You won’t be the only one asking, so don’t hesitate.
Know Your Rights
Take the time to know the laws in your state regarding your handgun. Not every state allows open carry or conceal carry. Once you are familiar with gun safety and the laws in your state, practice as often as you can. Beginners should know it will be nerve-racking the first couple of times you go. It helps to take an experienced shooter with you to the gun range the first few times because they can help explain range etiquette along the way. You will get the hang of it with just a few trips to the gun range and will feel more confident with each trip.
Clean as You Go
Once you have finished at the range, you will need to clean your handgun. You will need things like a cleaning kit, solvents and oil. Not every cleaning kit is designed for every gun but ask your local gun shop can make sure you have all the necessary cleaning supplies for your gun. Some gun shops will clean the gun for you for a fee. It’s a good idea to arrange ahead of time for someone at the gun shop to walk you through cleaning your gun the first time. YouTube is also good for videos on proper gun cleaning and maintenance.
It's More Fun Than You Think
First-time gun owners are a lot like first-time drivers. At first, it seems like there are too many buttons, knobs, and things to remember. Soon you’re driving and not giving buttons and knobs a second thought. Don’t be the first-time gun owner that leaves their handgun in the closet and regrets buying it. Take advantage of a local gun shop to get a handgun that fits. Learn what a proper stance and grip are. Embrace the journey that all first-time gun owners go down. In a few short weeks, you will be knocking down targets at the local gun range. It all starts at your local gun shop.