Does your home defense strategy consist of dad’s old shotgun under the bed? Are you counting on a pocket knife to get you out of a jam at the gas station? These examples may sound crazy, but too many Americans have similar self-defense strategies. You can take your self-defense game to the next level with a bit of planning. If your self-defense strategy is anywhere close to the examples listed above, you’re probably not up on the latest in self-defense firearms. With a little help from a local gun shop like Dutch Mountain Armory, you can upgrade your self-defense firearms to something more effective.

Time to Upgrade Your Firearms
For many Americans, the firearms they count on for self-defense are hand-me-downs that they can’t hit the broad side of a barn with. Shotguns are great for home defense, but the four-and-a-half-foot-long goose gun your grandfather gave you is not great for self-defense. A dad may give his daughter a .45 that her grandad brought home from the war – a great pistol, no doubt, but there are probably better self-defense choices for a young woman.
Is it Time to Retire Your Firearms?
Take a long look at the firearms you’re using for self-defense today. Ask yourself, is this shotgun a good option if someone breaks into my home, or can I carry this pistol concealed? It could be it’s time to retire your current self-defense firearms and upgrade to something more modern. Clean those old weapons up, and store them in your gun safe. Leverage your local gun shop to help you choose something that fits you and that you can carry safely.
Advantages of Today's Firearms?
Today’s semi-automatic pistols are a joy to shoot. They are much lighter than your grandad’s old .45 and just as accurate. You have your choice of a variety of sizes and calibers. When you have a pistol you can grip correctly and it has a light recoil, you are more likely to practice with it. The more you practice, the more confident you become. You will also be more familiar and comfortable with your firearm should a situation escalate.

Self-defense at Home
Everyone wants to feel safe and secure at home. When you get home, you should ask yourself, “Are the deadbolts locked, cars in the garage and the alarm system armed?” There are a few more home-defense strategy questions you should ask yourself:
- What are the most likely entries that a break-in will occur?
- What time of day is a break-in most likely to occur?
- Who will likely be home?
- Where will our firearms be?
There is much more to a self-defense strategy, but if these four questions are addressed, you have a solid plan to protect your home during a break-in.
A Solid Home Defense Strategy
Many Americans choose to have several firearms strategically placed throughout the home. Often a tactical shotgun is placed in a bedroom, a pistol in a common area and another carried close to you. It is much cheaper if your pistol selections are the same caliber. That way, you only need to buy ammunition of one caliber. Also, if they are the same make and model, there is no need to worry about familiarity with the weapon in an emergency. Think about the firearms you have today. Do you feel comfortable using them with a strategy like this? If you need help, talk to your local gun shop about your options. You will be surprised by how many options there are.
Secure Your Firearms
You should have a place to secure your firearms when you are away. A gun safe is always a good option. At the very least, you should have gun locks in the trigger while you are away. Make sure all family members know that firearms are in the house and assume they’re always loaded. Any member of your family you trust to defend your home should know where your guns are and how to chamber a round. They should also know how to change clips or reload. If not, it is time for a family trip to the local gun range.

Self-defense Away from Home
We have all seen video footage from the news that has someone totally unaware they are about to become a victim. It’s easy to say if they had been armed, things would have turned out differently. Most of these videos are of someone at a gas station, walking to their car or at an ATM. Think about the gas stations you frequent, parking lots at your favorite shopping center or the ATMs you use the most; if needed, do you have a self-defense strategy for these places? No matter where you are, always be situationally aware.
Asking the Hard Questions
When thinking about how you go about your business in places where you and your family are vulnerable, do you have the means to protect everyone? If you don’t have a firearm and want to be comfortable carrying concealed, it is time to visit your local gun shop. You will have your choice from a wide variety of firearms. No matter your body type, they can help you find a pistol you can conceal easily. They will also help you learn all the gun’s features, how best to conceal it and help you find one you can become proficient with.
Mental Drills Keep You Prepared
You can use mental drills to prepare yourself should the need arise. The next time you go to the gas station, walk to your parked car, or make a withdrawal from the ATM, ask yourself from what direction might someone approach? Are you in a well-lit area? Can security cameras see you? Is there an easy escape route and can you get to your firearm before someone is on you? These questions are not to make you paranoid, but taking a few seconds to run through mental drills like this can keep you from being overwhelmed in an emergency.
Now is the Time to Prepare
If dad’s old shotgun or a pocketknife is the means you plan on protecting yourself, your family and your property, it’s time to upgrade. Take the time to ask yourself the hard questions. Are you comfortable that the firearms you have can protect you? Do you have a strategy to defend your property at home and are you prepared to protect your family when you are out on the town? If you are unhappy with the answers to these questions, you need to visit your local gun shop and discuss options. They answer these questions daily, and you can leave the shop with a sound strategy and peace of mind.